My bump- growing fast and i can feel baby dancing around now, its still tiny so it feels like butterflies inside at the moment. I can't wait for the kicks so that the boy can feel it too. Ohh and i'm off to see the midwife on Wednesday and if bumpy isn't hiding i'll get to hear the heartbeat for the first time.
Baking- relaxing and yum.My lovely followers- yes thats you! When i get upto 300 i'll be doing another giveaway for you all.
Books- i've been speed reading lately, mainly chick lit for an easy read but theres nothing better then curling up with a good book.
Mary Queen of Shops-Love it, so glad the new series is on but the lady in the first episode was awful.
Stupid internet still not working properly.
The things they don't tell you about pregnancy- i'm not going to put you off by giving more info!
Goks fashion fix- this programme really annoys me for some reason, i still watch it though...