Monday, 20 July 2009

Giveaway winners!!

Firstly i'd like to say sorry for the delay posting this, i was meant to do it last night but i went out for food and got home late.
SOOOO i ended up getting loads of random bits and bobs so we drew 2 names out, one for the main prize and one for a runner up prize.
The first name out was prettyneons so she will be getting a package stuffed with bits, and the second name out was Emma from Weight loss, clothes and make up so she will be getting a slightly smaller parcel of goodies!!
Please could both of you email me your full names and addresses to and i'll be able to post your prizes this weekend!
Sorry to everyone else who entered, i'll do another giveaway soon, so watch this space!


  1. Hiya oh wow I've never won anything in my whole 23 yrs ha ha!!
    Thanks, and soz for the late reply my blogger has been down I'm back now.

    Cheers ;)

    prettyneOns X

  2. PS... Shall email you laters :) x


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