Friday 9 October 2009

A bit fed up

For some reason i'm feeling a bit low today. Its payday, i should be happy! I think its because i have no weekend plans at all, none of my friends want to go out and at the moment i'm not in the mood for shopping. I'm spending tonight watching TV and playing with polyvore. Lets hope tomorrow i wake up in a better mood.
In other news StyleBlack is now online, i've ordered the Greasepaint and Blue Flame eyeshadow. I also ordered a Pearl Glide eyeliner in Black Russian, i already have it and its the best eyeliner ever. ASOS is tempting me to hmmmmmmmmm
Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day! xx


  1. hope you feel better tomorrow :)

  2. oh im sorry to hear that, i hope you feel better soon xx

  3. I've woken up in a real horrid mood today :(

    Hope you feel better soon xx

  4. Hope you feel better soon.

    I love polyvore and have been thinking of doing that myself. xx

  5. Hope you're feeling better hun, I've been feeling a bit fed up lately too. Let me know what you think of you lush freshers box. I've never tired lush before and I've been thinking of getting this too!xxx

  6. Hi there-hope you have a great Sunday my dear!!

  7. I really want on of the greasepaint sticks. Can't afford it though. Doom.

    Sorry your feeling low,
    this time of year can have a LOT to do with it.
    I hope it passes soon x


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