Wednesday, 24 November 2010

H&M sadness

On November 6th i finally placed an order from the H&M website.
To be honest i wasn't that impressed with the service. Delivery was £3.90 but my dress took 14 days to arrive, i didn't receive any dispatch email and when i contacted them it took me ages to work out how and a reply was slow.
Onto happier things, i love H&M and am pleased with my dress. It was a bargainous £3.99 and i chose this colour as i have some shoes to wear with it that have been neglected. I'm thinking with black opaques.
Has anyone else ordered? Fingers crossed your order was much faster then mine!!


  1. The shoes are so pretty!
    I've been fairly disappointed with the overall h&m site since it launched, tho i haven't yet ordered..

  2. That dress is a lovely colour! I don't do online shopping apart from eBay. xxx

  3. The dress and shoes look a perfect colour match. Shame about the delivery, I haven't ordered from them and probably won't now! x

  4. i ordered one of those dresses too, they are lovely, i think my delivery took about 12 days or something stupid!they need to sort it out

  5. Beautiful dress! I haven't attempted ordering online from them yet but I can't say I'm especially impressed with the layout and useability of the new website.

  6. The colour of that dress is gorgeous Em!~Can't wait to see it on you. xx


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